Sleep is my favorite thing to do in the world. To me, a solid eight hours of sleep is better than indulging in a day at the spa or enjoying a five-star meal. No supplement or cup of coffee can give me the energy I get from a restful night of sleep, and no amount of makeup can make me look as refreshed. But loving and getting sleep are two different things.

While I would love to clock in a solid eight hours, work, kids, and Netflix get in the way of my slumber goals. What’s worse, when I do go to bed, I’m an extremely light sleeper. While many people complain that their partner snores during the night, I complain that my husband breathes. I’m such a light sleeper that I sometimes get woken up by my neighbor’s alarm clock or a distant goose that is honking at the morning sun. In complete silence, I can fall asleep rather quickly. But if there’s a distracting noise, I toss and turn.

I’ve tried white noise, fancy headphones, and basically anything Amazon has to offer when it comes to minimizing sound while I’m sleeping. Naturally, the best solution was actually the least expensive. Isn’t that how it always works?

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