After Katie Couric opened up about being diagnosed with breast cancer this summer, the journalist recently confirmed she’s “feeling great” following radiation. During an appearance on NBC on Monday, she said, “I just feel super lucky that it was diagnosed when it was.”

On Sept. 28, the day after completing 15 days of radiation treatment, Couric penned an essay on her website revealing the life-changing news that came after an annual gynecological exam. Despite typically being on top of her health — “bordering on neurotic” even, as she says — Couric had lost track of time and was six months late for her annual mammogram. In the essay titled, “Why NOT Me?,” she shared that she immediately made her appointment.

Couric explained that because she has dense breasts, she usually does a breast ultrasound as well as a mammogram during her annual exam. The doctor saw something in the ultrasound and wanted to do a core needle biopsy to check the tissue. The next day, the call from the doctor came, explaining that she had cancer. “I felt sick and the room started to spin,” Couric wrote. “I was in the middle of an open office, so I walked to a corner and spoke quietly, my mouth unable to keep up with the questions swirling in my head. ‘What does this mean?’ ‘Will I need a mastectomy?’ ‘Will I need chemo?’ ‘What will the next weeks, months, even years look like?'”

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