Insomnia for me was never about anxiety, but more of a challenge for my mind to quit wandering and wondering long enough to lapse into a blissful sleep. Once I fell asleep, I could stay asleep, but most nights, I found myself staring at the ceiling wondering what I would have for breakfast, where I’d start tomorrow’s run, and what great inventions were a direct result of NASA. Yes, sometimes I even wondered about NASA when all I really wanted was to sleep.

A doctor recommended meditation, and having nothing to lose and everything to gain, I started to try it. I experimented with meditation and found myself enjoying the process, even on the days that I felt like I had failed. Spoiler alert: you can’t fail at meditation. Even days you feel less clear-headed than others, you still reap the advantages. For me, the most prominent advantage was deep, restful, and immediate sleep.

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